Tips to solve 99% of issues

Here are some quick tips to help you or the other person on the call troubleshoot problems.

1. Use Google Chrome - reload the video page.

Google Chrome is currently the most stable browser, and will have the best results with in-browser video calls. Download it here.

Reload the video page by pressing the "reload" icon (picture below).

2. Restart your browser.

Quit your browser. Don't just close it! On a mac this is an important difference: quit and reopen.

3. Close any other applications open that might be using your camera/microphone.

Close applications like Zoom and Skype that might be "hogging" your camera and microphone, preventing you from using them with Mindbeat, then restart Chrome.

4. Do you get a message to "unblock" your camera/microphone? Or does the other person see that you haven't "granted permissions"?

Follow these instructions.

5. Does your screen say "No cam / no mic"?

This means that your computer's operating system is not communicating with your browser. Try rebooting or try connecting through a different browser.

6. Reboot your computer.

Reboot. Most people don't have to do this. But it can be a fast fix if you don't want to spend time troubleshooting.

Other tips

👂    Using an external cam/mic?  Make sure it's selected in your Settings
On the video pod click More > Cam/mac settings. Set your desired device as the default.

🔇   Laggy video or audio? Mute cameras. Use Shh mode

🎧   Use earbuds! It helps with echo.  

📞    Stuck on hold after using the dial-in option? It's likely that you put in the wrong meeting code. Cut and dial-in again!

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